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What is it?

Caesarean section is a surgical procedure to remove puppies or kittens safely from their mother.

Why is it performed?

Our veterinarians use caesarean sections for two primary reasons: First, an emergency caesarean is performed if an unborn animal becomes stuck during birth or if the mother appears to be unable to give birth naturally (i.e. owing to uterine inertia).

The second is that we commonly conduct elective caesareans in the final days before delivery to avoid complications that could risk the life of the mother or her babies.

Through the use of pet caesarean surgery, we can drastically minimise the number of babies that die during the birthing process.

Caesarean does not preclude a mother from naturally giving birth to her litter; instead, it protects against the possibility of "stillbirths," in which a baby animal dies during labour. At Melbourne Pet Surgery, it is extremely uncommon to lose a puppy or kitten through caesarean section birth.

How is it performed?

Days or even weeks ahead of the pregnant animal's due date, most breeders will contact us if they want caesarean assisted birth.

Anaesthesia is administered to the mother, and the first puppy or kitten is removed within eight to ten minutes of the procedure beginning. To aid in the recovery process, we invite owners to be present.

There will be antibiotics and pain treatment throughout induction and opioids for pain once the last baby is delivered. Beginning to end, a typical caesarean section takes 25 to 40 minutes.

What is the cost of the procedure?

More than 100 elective caesareans are performed at Melbourne Pet Surgery each year. Currently, a day operation costs $1,500 - $1,800, while an after-hours procedure costs $2,200 - $2,600 (even at 2 am). The cost of a caesarian section at an animal hospital emergency room can run as high as $3,000.


What should I expect afterwards?

It normally only takes two to three hours from when the owner walks in the door to when they leave with the new mother and her babies. After a caesarean section, the mother is given antibiotics and painkillers. A few hours after surgery, she can eat, and she should breastfeed her newborns normally while she is recuperating.


Dr. Scot Plummer

Meet Dr. Scot Plummer


Dr Plummer has always had a deep love for animals and graduated from the University of Queensland with Honours. in his Bachelor of Veterinary Science. After the success of his Brisbane clinic, Dr Plummer has launched Melbourne Pet Surgery with the goal of lowering the cost of high-quality pet care for all Melburnians.

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