Raven – 3 year old Golden Retriever with an ACL Tear (Modified Maquet Procedure)

After coming to our clinic with a torn anterior cruciate ligamen (ACL) tear, Raven became the 43rd dog that we treated using the modified maquet procedure (MMP). A procedure that only takes 30 minutes, most dogs treated with MMP will have returned to 80 to 90% health in only four weeks following the surgery. By 12 weeks, most dogs are able to run freely. MPS has performed this surgery on a wide range of dog breeds of all ages – from Maltese Terriers and Pomeranians to Great Danes and Mastiffs.

We begin by making an incision in the skin over the medial (or inside) surface of the stile.

We then position the saw guide over the medial stile, holding it in place using locating pins. A hole is drilled over the proximal tibia (at the end of the tibial crest).

To ensure that the saw guide remains in position, the drill bit is left in place.

The tibial crest is then cut with a sagittal saw, using the saw guide.

After we’ve removed the saw guide, we allow for the location of the titanium wedge by attaching bone-holding forceps to the tibial crest.

The titanium foam wedge is moved into place using a wedge inserter.

To ensure that the wedge remains in the correct position during the healing process, we place a stainless-steel bone pin through the tibial crest and into the tibia via a pre-drilled hole in the titanium wedge.

A guide is used so that we can accurately drill holes for the titanium staple, which will apply pressure to the tibial crest whilst the tear is healing. This is what sets MMP apart from other procedures used to repair ACL tears, as the bone will actually grow into the foam wedge. The result is a very strong and permanent union.

We place a staple into the pre-drilled holes.

The staple is then tapped into place, which helps it to form a very secure grip on the tibial crest and ensures it remains in place.

The procedure is now complete – in this photo, the wedge, staple and pin can be seen in the correct positions.

The tissue is closed over the implant.

Then the skin is closed and sutured.

Raven’s surgery is also complete – she's been such a brave girl!


The procedure itself only takes around 30 minutes, plus MMP provides a quick return to normal function for most dogs that we treat. Depending on the size of your pet and the medication they require, this surgery will set you back between $1600 and $1900. We have heard of owners being quoted as high as $3500 for the exact same procedure! If TPLO (currently the most common method of ACL stabilisation) is undertaken instead, you can expect to be charged somewhere between $4000 and $5500.

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