Priced from $3,000 - $3,600

ACL Stabilisation Surgery in Dogs

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What is CBLO?

Cora based CBLO (centre of rotational axis) is a procedure that combines the best of TPLO style and TTA style procedures and is often preferred over TPLO by many surgeons in Europe as their method of ACL stabilisation for 5 -10 years now.

How does CBLO work?

With CBLO the proximal tibia is rotated forward leading to levelling of the tibial plateau, reducing the tendency of the femur to push the tibia forward during loading, but also leading to the femur loading directly through the tibia rather than behind the tibia as per TPLO.

This forward rotation also increases tension on the patella tendon, increasing stability by resisting the ability of the tibia to move forward relative to the femur during loading, secondary to the ACL failure.

The procedure involves a circular cut of the proximal tibia which is fixated in place with a bone plate and compression screw to add further stability/compression across the surgery site. This allows rapid healing and ability to move back to lead walks as soon as 6 weeks after surgery, which is not possible with the TPLO procedure.

The CBLO plates we use are specially made, low contact, anatomically shaped titanium plates, designed specifically for this procedure.


Recovery and aftercare

Although your dog will be able to use the leg immediately following the surgery, we recommend cage rest and toilet walks only for the first 4 - 6 weeks (for the stifle to fully recover). After this, we recommend cage rest and lead walks for another two - four weeks before your dog will be able to return to full off lead activity.

We usually send patients home the same day, meaning that no overnight hospital stay is required. We understand that most owners prefer to have their dogs at home with them, and it’s quite safe for them to recover at home.

Benefits of CBLO in dogs

The main benefit of CLBO is the relatively fast healing time with most dogs being able to enjoy lead walks as soon as 4 - 6 weeks after surgery.

Cost of CBLO surgery for dogs

Our current cost for this procedure is approx. $3,000 - $3,600 (based on weight) at Melbourne Pet Surgery depending on the size of the dog and the complexity of the ACL injury.

Optional pre-anaesthetic blood test available for all surgeries (additional cost)

Dr. Scot Plummer

Meet Dr. Scot Plummer


Dr Plummer has always had a deep love for animals and graduated from the University of Queensland with Honours. in his Bachelor of Veterinary Science. After the success of his Brisbane clinic, Dr Plummer has launched Melbourne Pet Surgery with the goal of lowering the cost of high-quality pet care for all Melburnians.

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