This is the name given to any growth that occurs underneath the skin. Masses can be small and benign (like a sebaceous gland adenoma, which is a tumour in the hair follicle gland, or a histiocytoma, which is commonly seen in young dogs) or they can be extensive (like soft tissue sarcomas, STS, or mast cell tumours, MCT).
These sorts of procedures can cost as little as $800 for a simple removal or up to $1,800 for an extensive removal at Melbourne Pet Surgery.
Optional pre-anaesthetic blood test available for all surgeries (additional cost)
Your pet can generally return home the same day as their surgery. Aftercare usually only involves keeping them quiet for a few days and preventing them from licking at the surgery area.
Dr Plummer has always had a deep love for animals and graduated from the University of Queensland with Honours. in his Bachelor of Veterinary Science. After the success of his Brisbane clinic, Dr Plummer has launched Melbourne Pet Surgery with the goal of lowering the cost of high-quality pet care for all Melburnians.