Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy (TPLO)

Priced from $3,100 - $3,600

TPLO – ACL Stabilisation Surgery in Dogs

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What is TPLO?

TPLO, or tibial plateau levelling osteotomy, effectively stabilises the knee joint following a CCL rupture in dogs. A preferred choice over 30 years, it suits large breeds and helps dogs of all sizes return to an active lifestyle. This surgical method adjusts the tibia angle, rendering the ligament unnecessary for enhanced joint stability.

How does TPLO work?

TPLO, or Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy, addresses canine knee instability following a CCL rupture. This procedure entails a precise radial cut in the tibia, repositioning the tibial plateau to align the knee angle.

Stabilisation is achieved by securing the adjusted plateau with a custom-sized bone plate and screws. These modifications enhance knee biomechanics, compensating for the lost cranial cruciate ligament and eliminating its role in joint stabilisation.

The ultimate goal is to establish a stable joint, facilitating a swift return to function and minimising the risk of osteoarthritis.


Recovery and aftercare

Post-TPLO surgery, your dog can use the leg immediately, but careful aftercare is crucial. We recommend eight weeks of crate rest and limited walks for full stifle recovery, followed by two to four weeks of crate rest and lead walks.

Home recovery is safe and preferred by most owners; we send patients home the same day with no overnight hospital stay needed.

Dogs typically begin weight-bearing on the operated limb within 3-7 days, with over 50% returning to normal activity within 3-4 months. By 6 months post-op, almost all patients achieve 90% or better recovery. Trust our comprehensive aftercare plan for a successful TPLO recovery journey.

Benefits of TPLO in dogs

TPLO surgery stabilises the knee joint, promoting swift recovery after a cranial cruciate ligament rupture in dogs. It enhances biomechanics, reduces osteoarthritis risks, and ensures a return to active lifestyles.

Cost of TPLO surgery for dogs

At Melbourne Pet Surgery, TPLO surgeries cost between $3,100 and $3,600, depending on dog size and medication required. Our pricing and the list of inclusions make it an affordable option for pet owners. Please see below list of inclusions and extras for all TPLO surgeries for dogs.


  • hospitalisation for the day
  • iv fluids/continuous rate infusion pain relief, anaesthetic, surgery, implants (plates and screws), pre op and post op x-rays, medication/sutures/bandaging/buster collar or body suit
  • zydax injections
  • take home sedation
  • anti anxiety medications for recovery


  • $180 for pre-anaesthetic blood tests to check medical health (if owners prefer this)
  • $395 for overnight care, usually only available on a MON night when Dr Scot present (includes continuous iv fluids and pain relief)
  • Large dog's, those over 40kg will cost a little more due to increased cost of medication
Dr. Scot Plummer

Meet Dr. Scot Plummer


Dr Plummer has always had a deep love for animals and graduated from the University of Queensland with Honours. in his Bachelor of Veterinary Science. After the success of his Brisbane clinic, Dr Plummer has launched Melbourne Pet Surgery with the goal of lowering the cost of high-quality pet care for all Melburnians.

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